Onew SHINee has finally completed his duties as a South Korean citizen.

On Monday, July 20, Onew officially completed his military duty based on the COVID-19 prevention protocol.

Through SHINee's official Twitter account, a photo was uploaded of Onew wearing a military uniform while showing respect in front of the camera.

While uploading the photo, SHINee's official Twitter account wrote, "Onew is back!" which was immediately greeted warmly by the Shawols around the world.

Onew also wrote a letter to fans uploaded via the official SHINee website. In the letter he wrote, "How are you? This is SHINee leader, Onew. ”

"Thank you for waiting for me during my military service. Let's meet more often! Let's have fun and sing together for a long time! Thank you, "he wrote.

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