Actor Jung Il Woo  recently appeared on MBC's Phone Cleansing program .

At the event, this 33-year-old man talked about his illness.Jung shared that he got in a car accident in 2006 and suffered from partial amnesia.

"I've had a car accident in the past, so I suffer from some memory loss," 

said Jung Il Woo.

The amnesia he suffered made this actor diligently capturing moments with his camera. He admitted that he took more than 70 thousand photos in 10 years because of amnesia he suffered.

Not only taking photos , Il Woo also refused to delete the photos. This is because he often forgets parts of the past so he uses the photos he takes to help out whoever he meets.

"For example, I know who he is, but I don't remember where I met them," 

he added.

When he had an accident  several years ago, Jung Il Woo suffered from a brain aneurysm. And he felt very difficult through his days because of that.

Jung then mentioned he went to the hospital and was diagnosed with a cerebral aneurysm while he was shooting Golden Rainbow drama. This condition is an bulging, weakened portion of the brain's artery wall.

"I was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. If my blood vessels enlarge and burst, I will die. I don't know when it will burst,"

 said Jung Il Woo.

"I had a very severe migraine while shooting the film Golden Rainbow," 

he said.

This illness made Il Woo depressed and did not leave the house for 1 month.

"I was depressed, so I didn't see anyone and didn't even leave the house for a month," 

said Il Woo.

Fortunately,  after a vacation and a trip to the Camino de Santiago, Jung Il Woo's feelings improved.

"I was very worried, and came to this place. I finally decided to enjoy my life right now," 

he concluded.

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